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Ceramah di Universitas dan Lembaga Pendidikan

Daisaku Ikeda telah menyampaikan ceramahnya tentang topik yang relevan mengenai pendidikan dan peradaban di lebih dari 30 Universitas & Institusi Akademik di seluruh dunia.

University/Institution Subject
Harvard University Mahavana Buddhism and Twenty-First Century Civilization
Shenzhen University The Infinite Horizons of Humanism
Moscow State University The Human Being: A Magnificent Cosmos
University of Bologna Leonardo's Universal Vision and the Parliament of Humanity
East-West Center Peace and Human Security: A Buddhist Perspective for the Twenty-first Century
Ateneo de Santander Toward the Dawn of Twenty-first Century Civilization
Tribhuvan University Homage to the Sagarmatha (Everest) of Humanism: The Living Lessons of Gautama Buddha
Simon Wiesenthal Center Makiguchi's Lifelong Pursuit of Justice and Humane Values
Teacher College, Columbia University Thoughts on Education for Global Citizenship
University of Havana Building a Great Spiritual Bridge to the New Century